Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thank you for the well wishes! Zorro and I got another qualifying run in Jumpers! This means we did the whole course with no mistakes which is harder than it sounds. We took first in our jump hight! The course's time to complete was 42 seconds but Zorro did it in 29 seconds! Go Zorro!

Also while at the Pasadena Kennel Club dog show, I made friends with some adorable Borzois and their very friendly owners. Seriously, look at those adorable eyes!  I learned so much about the breed which I have always loved but had only gotten information about them from the internet or books. HELPFUL DOG HINT: Trust owners not books. 
Though Borzoi's are a Russian hunting dog bred to hunt wolves, the owners I met told me a surprising fact. "They are big couch potatoes!" they said. What an adorable breed! 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Welcome to the start of Flying Paws! I intend to blog on the adventures that only owning and training a dog will give. I truly believe that training is more than controlling a dog; training is building a relationship with a dog. That is what flying paws is about. People's relationships with their pets.

Now I will introduce Zorro. He is a very naughty Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who is in love with four things: me, food (especially salami), laps, and last of all agility.

We have a show coming up this Saturday! Due to my own laziness of not going to more shows, we only have one qualifying (Q) run in jumpers. We have only gone to two shows and have one Q. Imagine if we had done more! Zorro has been doing exercises at home to prepare like doing jumps for his breakfast and balancing on a yoga ball to give him core strength. Zorro's been loving it.

Wish us luck tomorrow as we will be hoping for at least one more Q!